
Auto Dealer Software

Directory Script

Auto Dealer Script is a highly customizable, open source and user-friendly auto dealer PHP script that allows you to manage your vehicle inventories. Car Dealer Script is an absolute must for car dealerships or car classified websites. It provides auto dealers and site owners with an Admin Panel that gives you full control over the content and car listings.  Car Dealer PHP Script is user friendly, fully functional and easy to use. Car Dealer PHP Script is a software written in PHP especially designed for car dealers, who would like to easily launch their own website with their own listings and information on it. It has a front site showing a search form with different options (allowing to search the car inventory), a section showing the latest listings, browse the vehicles by makes, page allowing the users to create email alerts (in order to receive an email alert when a new car meeting their search criteria is posted) and others.

Auto Dealer Software

Auto Dealer Script is a highly customizable, open source and user-friendly auto dealer script that allows you to manage your vehicle inventories. Car Dealer PHP Script is an absolute must for car dealerships or car classified websites. It provides auto dealers and site owners with an Admin Panel that gives you full control over the content and car listings. Our Car Dealer Script is user friendly, fully functional and easy to use. PHP Auto Dealer is a software written in PHP especially designed for car dealers, who would like to easily launch their own website with their own listings and information on it. It has a front site showing a search form with different options (allowing to search the car inventory), a section showing the latest listings, browse the vehicles by makes, page allowing the users to create email alerts (in order to receive an email alert when a new car meeting their search criteria is posted) and others.

There are several vehicle types with their makes and models defined by default – Cars, Motorcycles and Trucks, but new vehicle types can be easily added from the admin panel, so the website can be extended and new categories to be added. The system is flexible and allows new fields for the different vehicle types to be added from the admin panel, so the car dealer is free to add the new fields he prefers. This Readymade Auto Dealer PHP software has separate logins for dealers and admin. It is mobile responsive website which is compatible to access from mobile devices. In the dealer login, dealers can able to see dashboard, manage their vehicles, orders, spare parts etc. Admin can able to manage dealers, Auto/ Bikes catalogs, spare parts etc. We provide the full source codes not encrypted, so you or developers working for you can make modifications in them. All our prices are onetime fee no annual/ hidden fees. We provide full technical support for 1 year along with 1 year free update support and moreover, once you buy the script, your website will be live within 24 hours.

Auto Dealer Software has the following exciting features:

  • Auto dealer website
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • Dealer Login Panel
  • Showcase Auto/ Bikes
  • Contact Dealers
  • Dealer Dashboard
  • Admin Login Panel
  • Manage Dealers
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Manage Auto/ Bike Catalogs
  • Manage Spare Parts
  • Manage Orders

A regular license permits the use of an item in a single project, whether for personal or commercial purposes, by you or on behalf of a client. Resale of the item, either individually or as part of a project, is prohibited, and the distribution of source files is not allowed.

Hosting Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, Core PHP 5.6, Windows or Linux servers. (Note. For seamless our script performance, compatibility at a low price, we highly recommend Hostinger—reliable, fast, and built for excellence!)

Server Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, Core PHP 5.6, Windows or Linux servers.

Payment Type
One time Payment: Upon receiving your full payment, we will provide you with the complete source code. After that, no additional payments will be required.

Delivery Time
We will send the Download Link to you Within 2-4 hrs. On Working Days(Monday- Friday) And the source code will deliver within 4-8 hours On Weekends (Saturday -Sunday).

Technical Support
Unlimited Email Support for One Year.

Script Update
Free Updates for One Year.

Customization Scope
Includes Complete Source Code.

No Encryption and No Domain Limitations.

No Free Installation Services. Our charges range from $5 to $10, depending on the software's complexity and criticality.


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