Freelancer Clone
Jobportal Website
Now-a-days more and more people are not happy with their regular jobs. They are hunting for more job opportunities so that they can add a substantial income during their leisure time from home. This ever-increasing demand for Freelancer Jobs progressively has been helpful for business owners to outsource their jobs. With the increasing trend for outsourcing jobs worldwide, buyers are looking forward to develop their project online at competitive price by choosing a right skilled contractor through Freelance Marketplace. In order to help buyers, build their Freelancer community our Freelancer Clone Marketplace PHP script can prove to be highly beneficial. Freelancer Clone Script helps you Start Your Own Freelancer Job Portal Website, Freelancer Marketplace Portal like Elance, Upwork, etc.
Freelancer Clone
Now-a-days more and more people are not happy with their regular jobs. They are hunting for more job opportunities so that they can add a substantial income during their leisure time from home. This ever-increasing demand for Freelancer Jobs progressively has been helpful for business owners to outsource their jobs. With the increasing trend for outsourcing jobs worldwide, buyers are looking forward to develop their project online at competitive price by choosing a right skilled contractor through Freelancer Clone Marketplace PHP script. In order to help buyers, build their Freelancer community our Freelancer Clone Script can prove to be highly beneficial. Freelancer Clone Script helps you Start Your Own Freelancer Job Portal Website, Freelancer Marketplace Portal like Elance, Upwork, etc.
Freelancer Clone Script allows you to develop your own freelance portal and setup an online platform where clients and workers can meet their requirements. Freelancer Clone PHP script is the leading online marketplace software which helps businesses and freelancers meet their requirements across the world. Business companies can find the potential freelancers who will be able to do the assigned task and freelancers can also find the right jobs for themselves. Freelancer Clone Script has covered all the feature what Elance, Upwork, having and aligned in perfectly. Freelancer Clone Script is 100% mobile friendly, so it can be compatible view on any mobile devices. If any Professional, Entrepreneur or Corporate interested to starting their own freelancer kind of websites/ marketplace then our script is best choice and once you buy the script, your website will be live within 24 hours. We provide brand free product and full technical support for 1 year along with 6 months free update.
Admin panel has following exciting features:
- Dashboard
- Manage Settings
- Newsletter Settings
- Payment Settings
- Activity Log
- Admin Users
- Manage Jobs
- Disputes
- Manage Contacts
- Email Templates
- Site Settings
- Manage Worker (Freelancer)
- Manage Client (Employer)
- Job Categories
- Manage Locations
- Manage Skills Details
- Testimonials
- Manage Front Slider
- Cash Out (Paid details)
- Transactions
Employer (Client) panel has following features:
- Dashboard
- Browse Workers
- Manage Jobs (Open Jobs, Awarded Jobs, Working Jobs, Completed Jobs, Cancelled Jobs)
- Transaction
- Wallet
- Cashout
- Notifications
- Message
Freelancer (Worker) panel has following features:
- Dashboard
- Browse Jobs
- Manage Jobs (Available Jobs, Awarded Jobs, Working Jobs, Completed Jobs)
- Bid Status
- Transaction
- Wallet
- Cashout
- Message
- Notifications
- Manage Portfolio
A regular license permits the use of an item in a single project, whether for personal or commercial purposes, by you or on behalf of a client. Resale of the item, either individually or as part of a project, is prohibited, and the distribution of source files is not allowed.
Hosting Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, Laravel framework, PHP 7.0, Windows or Linux servers. (Note. For seamless our script performance, compatibility at a low price, we highly recommend Hostinger—reliable, fast, and built for excellence!)
Server Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, Laravel framework, PHP 7.0, Windows or Linux servers.
Payment Type
One time Payment: Upon receiving your full payment, we will provide you with the complete source code. After that, no additional payments will be required.
Delivery Time
We will send the Download Link to you Within 2-4 hrs. On Working Days(Monday- Friday) And the source code will deliver within 4-8 hours On Weekends (Saturday -Sunday).
Technical Support
Unlimited Email Support for One Year.
Script Update
Free Updates for One Year.
Customization Scope
Includes Complete Source Code.
No Encryption and No Domain Limitations.
No Free Installation Services. Our charges range from $5 to $10, depending on the software's complexity and criticality.
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