
Upwork Clone

Jobportal Website

Upwork clone script is a freelancer or reverse auction script can be customized easily based on your needs and industry niche. Anyone can run a professional reverse bidding services website in business verticals using this Upwork clone PHP Script. It has all features of a bidding website and the site holder can earn money from the subscription fees for the services you provide to users of the website. Owners can post jobs and can choose the best bid from among multiple competing bids from employees. Now you get the gamut of features by upgrading to Upwork Elance Clone and added more features like Social Login, Stripe Payment, Live Chat, Multi language, start/ stop bidding, advances search etc.

Upwork Clone

Upwork clone script is a freelancer or reverse auction PHP script can be customized easily based on your needs and industry niche. Anyone can run a professional reverse bidding services website in business verticals using this Upwork Clone PHP Script. It has all features of a bidding website and the site holder can earn money from the subscription fees for the services you provide to users of the website. Owners can post jobs and can choose the best bid from among multiple competing bids from employees. Now you get the gamut of features by upgrading to Upwork Elance Clone and added more features like Social Login, Stripe Payment, Live Chat, Multi language, start/ stop bidding, advances search etc. Accept all major credit and debit cards and recurring payment options with Stripe payment gateway. Easy admin panel setup for your stripe account and get payments from your users for credits subscription, deposits etc.

Upwork Clone Script has following key features:

  • Front-End Website
  • Owner, Employee Signup, login
  • View Bids
  • Internal Messaging
  • Manage Payment
  • Cancel/ Dispute
  • Member List
  • Invoice
  • Admin panel
  • Dashboard
  • Site Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • API Settings
  • SMS
  • Payments
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Packages
  • Admin User
  • Groups
  • Categories
  • Bids
  • Jobs
  • Dispute
  • FAQs
  • Manage Static Pages
  • Reports

A regular license permits the use of an item in a single project, whether for personal or commercial purposes, by you or on behalf of a client. Resale of the item, either individually or as part of a project, is prohibited, and the distribution of source files is not allowed.

Hosting Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, CodeIgniter framework, PHP 5.6, Windows or Linux servers. (Note. For seamless our script performance, compatibility at a low price, we highly recommend Hostinger—reliable, fast, and built for excellence!)

Server Requirements
Compatible with MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, CodeIgniter framework, PHP 5.6, Windows or Linux servers.

Payment Type
One time Payment: Upon receiving your full payment, we will provide you with the complete source code. After that, no additional payments will be required.

Delivery Time
We will send the Download Link to you Within 2-4 hrs. On Working Days(Monday- Friday) And the source code will deliver within 4-8 hours On Weekends (Saturday -Sunday).

Technical Support
Unlimited Email Support for One Year.

Script Update
Free Updates for One Year.

Customization Scope
Includes Complete Source Code.

No Encryption and No Domain Limitations.

No Free Installation Services. Our charges range from $5 to $10, depending on the software's complexity and criticality.


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