Coderobotics developed Budget Management Software, Legal Case Management Software, Telemedicine Software, Indiamart, Alibaba Clone Scripts, SUSU money lending Software, Apartment Lease Management Software and much more.
Coderobotics crafted Legato HRMS, Legato ERP, Infra ERP, Longtail ERP, and much more Enterprise applications to manage human resource management from anywhere, office automation, infrastructure management, and so on.
Coderobotics brings All-in-one Hospital Solution called HospitalPro. HospitalPro is a Hook for Hospital Businesses. It is an end-to-end-cutting edge solution and modern innovative solution designed to automate all hospital operations such as Appointments, Patient registration, OPD/IPD management, Doctor Management, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Billing, OT, Tele-medicine, etc. HospitalPro helps you get better results for your healthcare organization.
Coderobotics among one of the few companies offering readymade software source code. We created more than 450 plus readymade software including ERP and CRM in the previous 10 years. Now we started developing Software as a Service (SaaS) based applications called InvyBooks, LegatoHRMS, BlueCRM, CloudCampus and few more. We also developed Mobile Apps for GPS tracking, Service Booking, Matrimony, Restaurant and etc.
Released Automan ERP on Cloud in Asp.Net MVC5, C#.Net with MSSQL database, and many more ASP.Net platform-based business applications.
We launched the following windows based Enterprise ERPs titled as Automan ERP, Accounting Express, School Express, College Express, Restaurant Express, Hotel Express, Retail Express, Library Express, Medical Shop Express, and Hospital Express.
We started developing the following marketplace for selling our readymade software. Readymade PHP Scripts are selling by www.phpscriptsonline.com and .NET based readymade software via www.aspscriptsonline.com.
We released the following Asp.Net MVC5 based Restaurant Management, Asp.Net webform based HotelGist, RestGist, StoreGist, and many more.
We launched the following Enterprise Applications which is developed in Asp.Net MVC3 based SimplifyCampus, SimplifyHRM, SimplifyAccounting, SimplifyHospital.
Developed TrackerBox & CampusBox are GPS “Vehicle-Asset Tracking” Software. This is a world-class software and has all the functionality and work with any kind of GPS device including Mobiles, Personal Trackers.
Developed 100+ readymade PHP scripts, clone scripts and website clones for different clients as per their business requirements.
Started developing a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is titled as CloudApptha – to simplifying business app development using the visual model-driven approach on the cloud in a 5GL environment. Unfortunately, we cannot continue due to a heavy budget and then we dropped.
Coderobotics was born with 1 person and started developing logos, website designing, e-commerce portals and, tiny software for small businesses.
If you are interested in our product, please drop your request to inquiry@coderobotics.com. Our techno-functional consultant can help you in choosing the best for your business.