Social Media Preferences by Generation

In the rapidly evolving world of social media, one size certainly does not fit all. Different generations have unique preferences when it comes to the social media platforms they frequent. Understanding these preferences is crucial for marketers, businesses, and content creators aiming to effectively reach their target audiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore the favored social media channels of various generational cohorts—Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z—and delve into the data that highlights these trends.

Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964)

Baby Boomers are often viewed as the generation least likely to engage with social media, but this perception is changing. While they are not as digitally native as younger generations, Baby Boomers have embraced certain platforms with enthusiasm.

Key Platforms:

  • Facebook: A dominant platform for Baby Boomers, with 78% of Boomers using Facebook regularly. They appreciate its user-friendly interface and the ability to stay connected with family and friends.
  • YouTube: Visual content is also popular among Boomers, with 68% using YouTube to watch videos, learn new skills, and consume news.

Data Insights:

  • According to Pew Research Center, 55% of Baby Boomers use social media daily, with Facebook and YouTube leading the pack.
  • A study by Hootsuite and We Are Social found that Baby Boomers spend an average of 1 hour and 15 minutes on social media daily.

Generation X (Born 1965-1980)

Generation X serves as a bridge between Baby Boomers and Millennials, and their social media usage reflects a blend of both generations’ habits.

Key Platforms:

  • Facebook: Like Baby Boomers, Generation Xers are heavy Facebook users, with 77% of them active on the platform.
  • LinkedIn: Professional networking is crucial for Gen X, with 51% using LinkedIn to connect with colleagues and seek career opportunities.
  • Instagram: This platform is gaining traction among Gen Xers, with 47% actively using Instagram to share and consume visual content.

Data Insights:

  • eMarketer reports that 76% of Gen Xers use social media daily, spending about 1 hour and 20 minutes on average.
  • A Nielsen survey found that 80% of Generation X members own a smartphone, making mobile access to social media platforms a significant factor.

Millennials (Born 1981-1996)

Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet and social media, and their preferences reflect their digital-savvy nature.

Key Platforms:

  • Instagram: Visual and immediate, Instagram is a favorite among Millennials, with 71% actively using the platform.
  • Facebook: Despite its association with older generations, 78% of Millennials still use Facebook to stay connected and informed.
  • Twitter: For news and real-time updates, 45% of Millennials turn to Twitter.

Data Insights:

  • According to Pew Research Center, 90% of Millennials use social media, with daily usage averaging 2 hours and 38 minutes.
  • GlobalWebIndex data shows that 86% of Millennials use social media on their smartphones, highlighting the importance of mobile-friendly content.

Generation Z (Born 1997-2012)

Generation Z is the true digital native generation, having grown up with smartphones, social media, and instant access to information.

Key Platforms:

  • TikTok: The standout platform for Gen Z, with 62% of users aged 10-29. TikTok’s short-form video content is a massive hit among this cohort.
  • Instagram: A strong contender, with 73% of Gen Z using Instagram for its visual and interactive features.
  • Snapchat: Popular for its ephemeral content, 55% of Gen Z use Snapchat regularly.

Data Insights:

  • A report by Business Insider Intelligence reveals that 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 85% use social media multiple times a day.
  • A Piper Sandler survey indicates that TikTok is the most popular platform among teens, with 35% citing it as their favorite, followed by Snapchat at 31%.


Understanding the social media preferences of different generations is essential for tailoring your marketing strategies and content creation efforts. By recognizing where your target audience spends their time online, you can more effectively engage with them, deliver relevant content, and achieve your communication goals. As social media continues to evolve, staying informed about these generational trends will keep you ahead of the curve.