What is Connected TV Advertising?

In today’s fast-paced digital marketing landscape, brands constantly look for innovative ways to engage with their target audience. For years, Google and Facebook have been the cornerstone of online advertising strategies, offering robust targeting and large user bases. However, a new player has emerged and is rapidly gaining dominance—Connected TV (CTV) advertising.

CTV advertising is revolutionizing how brands reach consumers, and in many cases, it’s proving to be more effective than traditional online ad platforms like Google and Facebook. This blog will explore why CTV is outpacing these digital advertising giants and how brands can leverage their full potential.

What is Connected TV (CTV) Advertising?

Connected TV refers to devices like smart TVs, gaming consoles, or streaming devices that allow users to access content from platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube. CTV advertising delivers ads to viewers as they stream their favorite shows and movies via these platforms.

Unlike traditional television advertising, which offers broad, untargeted audience reach, CTV ads provide the precision and targeting capabilities of digital ads, combined with the immersive experience of TV.

Why is CTV Advertising Gaining Popularity?

1. Unmatched Audience Engagement


  • Lean-Back Experience: CTV provides a unique “lean-back” viewing experience where users are passively watching long-form content such as TV shows or movies. Viewers tend to be more relaxed, making them less likely to skip or ignore ads.
  • Full-Screen Ads: Ads on CTV take up the entire screen, which means there are no distractions like there are with Google or Facebook ads that compete with other content on the page. This ensures the viewer’s full attention is on the ad.

Google and Facebook:

  • Active Browsing: Users on Google and Facebook are often actively searching for information or quickly scrolling through their feed, making it easier for them to bypass or ignore ads.
  • Multi-Tasking: Social media and search engines are often used while multitasking, which reduces engagement and ad recall.

2. Higher Ad Completion Rates


  • Fewer Skip Options: Many CTV ads cannot be skipped or are strategically placed during natural breaks in the content, leading to higher completion rates. This ensures that the brand’s message is fully delivered to the audience.
  • Less Ad Fatigue: Since CTV ads are relatively new, users are not as accustomed to skipping or dismissing them as they are with social media or search ads.

Google and Facebook:

  • Ad Skipping: Users on Google (YouTube) and Facebook often skip or scroll past ads after the first few seconds. This reduces the impact and effectiveness of the advertisement.
  • Ad Saturation: Google and Facebook are saturated with ads, causing banner blindness and reducing the likelihood that users will engage with them.

3. Superior Targeting Capabilities


  • Household-Level Targeting: One of the unique advantages of CTV is its ability to target ads at the household level. This ensures the right message reaches the right audience, whether it’s a family watching a show together or individuals within the same household.
  • Combining TV with Digital Data: CTV offers the best of both worlds by combining the visual appeal of television advertising with the precision targeting capabilities of digital ads. Marketers can target users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors while they enjoy high-quality content.

Google and Facebook:

  • Device-Based Targeting: Google and Facebook rely on device-specific targeting, which can make it difficult to target multiple people within the same household. Additionally, recent privacy updates, such as Apple’s iOS 14, have reduced the effectiveness of ad tracking on these platforms.
  • Interest-Based Targeting: Google and Facebook primarily use interest-based targeting, but the recent changes to privacy policies have made it more difficult to target users effectively.

4. Higher Quality Ad Inventory


  • Premium Content Environment: CTV ads appear alongside premium, long-form content like TV shows, movies, and live sports. Ads delivered in this context tend to benefit from the high-quality content and engaged audience.
  • Non-Intrusive Ad Placement: Unlike the disruptive ad formats seen on social media or search engines, CTV ads are placed during natural breaks in the content. This non-intrusive placement leads to a more positive ad experience for viewers.

Google and Facebook:

  • User-Generated Content: Ads on Facebook or Google often appear alongside user-generated content, which can be of inconsistent quality and may even harm brand perception.
  • Interruptive Format: Social media ads are often disruptive, showing up in the middle of a user’s feed and leading to negative brand associations.

5. Less Ad Competition, Higher Visibility


  • Fewer Ads Per Hour: CTV platforms display fewer ads per hour compared to the overwhelming number of ads on Google and Facebook. This means less competition for the viewer’s attention, giving each CTV ad greater visibility.
  • High Visibility: CTV ads are displayed full-screen, so there’s no risk of the ad being ignored or overlooked due to cluttered feeds or search results pages.

Google and Facebook:

  • Crowded Ad Spaces: Both Google and Facebook are highly competitive advertising environments, with brands constantly vying for user attention. This increases the costs and reduces the effectiveness of ads as users are bombarded with content.

6. Higher Return on Investment (ROI)


  • Cost-Effective Reach: While traditional TV ads are costly, CTV provides a more affordable alternative. With programmatic buying, advertisers can set their budget and optimize performance based on real-time metrics, leading to better ROI.
  • Data-Driven Insights: CTV offers detailed metrics, including impressions, ad completion rates, and even post-ad actions like website visits or purchases. This allows marketers to fine-tune their campaigns for better results.

Google and Facebook:

  • Higher Costs for Lower Engagement: As competition for ad space increases on Google and Facebook, the cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM) rises, but engagement often remains low, impacting overall ROI.

Final Thoughts

Connected TV advertising is revolutionizing the way brands reach consumers. While Google and Facebook have long been the kings of digital advertising, CTV offers a fresh and more effective alternative for brands looking to engage audiences in an immersive, high-quality environment. From higher ad completion rates to superior targeting capabilities and greater ROI, CTV advertising is quickly becoming a must-have in any comprehensive marketing strategy.

As more consumers shift from traditional TV to streaming platforms, the importance of CTV advertising will only grow. Now is the time for marketers to embrace this powerful medium and stay ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.